Monday, April 25, 2011

Blowing bubble

Easter Sunday afternoon. James had a basket full of goodies (mostly candies) from church Easter egg hunt. He is generous and willing to share with Daniel who is too old to participate in the egg hunt but still loves candies.

I was quite sleepy, but had to watch them in case they got into a fight. Sitting in the sun definitely did not help my drowsiness.

Daniel found some bubble gums in one of the eggs and was eager to blow some bubbles. He asked me to show him how. I had told him about my childhood experience of blowing bubbles with bubble gums. I blew some really nice and big bubbles. Daniel and James were both impressed. "Wow, that was BIG!" Daniel tried on his own and had a couple of successes too. This one was NOT the biggest he ever blew.

See the bush leaves on the top of the play structure? The man and the boys have been watching quite a bit "Man vs. Wild" show lately. That "shelter" made with branches/twigs/leaves was inspired by Bear Grylls, the survivor expert.

A Day of Fun at Six Flags

Saturday, April 23. Cloudy. We went to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom at Vallejo and had a fun day.
It was not very crowded. While animal shows and exhibits (dolphin, killer whale, shark, sting ray, penguin, tiger, and birds, etc) were fascinating,  Daniel and James may have found the rides, playground, and the softball-shooting game more exciting.

Oh, the whole family got on a water boat ride. As the boat goes down a quite steep slide, my heart is about to jump out. We all got splashed on the face and on our clothes, getting off the boat with wet shirt and wet pants. I was bit worried about James: "Would he cry or have a meltdown?" To my surprise, in spite of being wet, when I asked him "Are you OK?", he said "It was fun!" My little boy is growing up...

Daniel jumping from bunny stove to bunny house. Daniel at the shark exhibit entrance. James in the playground.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Little camera man

My camera became James' new toy. He snapped quite a few pictures in the last week or two. I will upload a few later.

He is a very serious camera man!

Sutter Fort and park

We went to Sutter Fort historical site in the morning. Very interesting visit. But Daniel kept wandering away, making me quite frustrated.

Daniel's friend Jeremiah came and stayed with us in the afternoon. They knew each other when Daniel was a baby. Jeremiah is two and half years older.

Easter egg paint


While I was making tea eggs for tomorrow's trip to Six Flags, Daniel asked, "Mom, can we paint the eggs for Easter?" "Sure."

Out were food coloring and paint brushes. Little artist at work. The egg was dripping with color. Color swirl made by Daniel.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Daniel's prayer request

Yesterday, Palm Sunday. I was the teacher's aid for children's Sunday school class. When asked for prayer request, Daniel said, "I hope to spend my Easter break wisely." I was very please by that.

That little boy, hot tempered and all always full of energy, I noticed that he's grown in maturity lately. He heart become softer too. Yes, he's still impulsive at times and forgetful, but he is taking correction and disciplines with a teachable attitude. I'm so thankful for that.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring breeze, soft kisses

Finally sunshine after seemingly endless cold and wet rainy days.
Spring breeze,
blue sky, fluffy white clouds,
cherry blossoms,
soft kisses from James,
father son playing in backyard,
Daniel digging dirt in side yard,
unfolded laundry on the floor,
toys scattered everywhere,
quiet reading time each night, and
couch video time with my man.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.                                                          James 1:17