Friday, October 12, 2012

September Birthdays

Daniel and James are both September babies, with birthdays only 5 days apart. As always, their birthdays were very low key. We didn't even have a real cake because of all the busyness in September (new school year and cub scout pop corn sell among others). But we had ice creams!

Daniel is 9 years old. He made a tiny clay cake to put the candle on. 
James is 6 years old. He too made a wee clay cake for his candle. 
Besides a small birthday gift for each boy, the whole family went to an indoor surfing place as a treat. Daniel invited Evan, one of his friends from our homeschool group and he was very happy to have his friend there. James has met the minimum height requirement for surfing, but didn't want to go. He had as much fun jumping and running and tumbling on the huge trampoline right next to the surfing room.

It's bouncy!

Hard to remain balanced for more than 10 seconds!

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday to Daniel and James!!! September babies are the best! ;)

    love, Auntie Joyce (a MUCH older September baby) =D
