Thursday, September 13, 2012

Our School Room

Last year, our first homeschooling year, we didn't have a school room or designated area for schooling. We just did the readings on couches and did math and handwriting on kitchen table. Daniel did have a computer desk as his desk, but he mainly used it for displaying his "treasure". It worked O.K., but having to find books and supplies that were scattered all over the house was neither fun nor efficient.

This summer I finally got my dear husband,  who does not like change at all, to agree on re-arranging some furniture to create a school room. It's nothing grand, and I am still not organized, but it is much better than what we had last year.

The limited wall space is reserved for one IKEA bookshelf and two 10-drawer carts (my students' work-boxes). The big desk in the middle was bought used years ago but had been kept in our master bedroom for piling up miscellaneous stuff. Now it's put to good use. I got the small desk from the office furniture sale in my previous working place four years ago. It was stored in the garage till now. Oh I love all these working surface!

Our old black couch does not look so good in the room, but it's a convenient place for snuggling with good books.

See that basket that sits between the couch and the bookshelf? It holds our library books very nicely.

These two shelves hold Daniel's school books. Top shelf is for history and literature and the lower shelf for math and science.

Pictured above are the two shelves for James' school books.

A proud new first grader and his new math book. 

Working on a puzzle.

 Daniel likes to lay flat on the couch to do his school work, most of which requires minimal handwriting. So writing properly is not a big concern in this position.

Our school room is well lit with natural light thanks to the many windows. Many windows also mean limited wall space, so our maps, timeline, and poster are not in the school room but on the walls of our hall way or outside a bedroom.


  1. Did the boys have a good birthday?

  2. Thank you for remembering! We didn't do much other than going out to dinner to their favorite restaurants (buffet) for their favorite food a.k.a junk food (pizza, desserts, and ice cream). Oh, we went to an indoor surfing place tonight. It's fun! I'll blog about it when I have time :).
